Malnutrition among first year school children in Iraq


  • Nadher Al-shammary Paediatrics teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Ministry of health.
  • Jawad K. Al-Diwan Dept. of Community Medicine, College of Medicine.
  • Nafi Al-Ani Dept. of Community Medicine, College of Medicine.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

malnutrition, first years school children, Iraq


Background: Iraqi people have endured an excess burden of morbidity’ and mortality during the last two decades due to wars and sanctions. This report M’as carried out to assess the nutritional status of first year primary school children.
Methods: A total of3881 school children in Balad district in Salahadin govemorate was included in the study. Age, height and weight were recorded. Malnutrition was regarded as value of less than 2 SD of the reference value.
Results: Among the total sample, 16.5%, 20.06% and 15.3% were underweight, stunted and wasted, respectively. No significant difference was detected in malnutrition rates between both sexes. Conclusion: High rates of malnutrition were detected among school children.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.



كيفية الاقتباس

Al-shammary N, Al-Diwan JK, Al-Ani N. Malnutrition among first year school children in Iraq. J Fac Med Baghdad [انترنت]. 1 أكتوبر، 2007 [وثق 12 مارس، 2025];49(3):307-8. موجود في:

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