Publication Charge Policy and waiver policy statement
The Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad is an open-access journal; hence, there are no subscription fees.
- The journal is charged 150,000 IQD for a single accepted manuscript.
An extra charge (50,000 IQD) will be added for "Online First publication model."
Payment methods are both cash payments and money transfer services; see the APC. section
The Journal Waiver Policy Statement:
According to the World Bank country classification by income level, no fees are required for developing countries with low-income countries. For more information about the World Bank country classification,
For further information, do not hesitate; You are welcome to contact us:
Address: The Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Bab AlMuadham, Medical City Complex, Baghdad, Iraq
Mail: Bab Al Muadam, P.O. Box 61023 Mail Code 12114 Baghdad, Iraq
E-Mail: [email protected].
Mobile No.: +009647709826825