Guide for Reviewers

Please, consider the following points if possible:
Q1- Does the research subject match your area of interest? If not, please decline the review request please visit the OJS review process.
Q2- Do you have a potential conflict of interest? If yes, please disclose this to the Editor of the Journal, please visit   COPE Conflict of Interest.

Q3- Does the abstract reflect precisely the article’s objective? If not, please suggest new objectives according to the review form attached to the manuscript.
Q4-Does the research question /hypothesis clearly defined and the objective properly derived? If not, please suggest new objectives according to the review form attached to the manuscript.
Q5- Does the method describe how to collect and analyze the participant/patients’ data? If not, please visit   COPE Guidelines for Publication.
Q6- Does the author apply the Core Practice of Medical Ethics, when dealing with patients and /or animal data? If not, please inform the editorial board to take the required action.
Q7- Do the Interpretation and conclusions sufficiently derive from the result by focusing on selected data? If not, please visit COPE Guidelines for Publication.
Q8- Is the overall study design appropriate and adequate to answer the research objective? If not, please follow the guidelines and the instructions to Authors, COPE Guidelines for Publication