Timeline for Acceptance
Read more about AnnouncementsJournal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad (J Fac Med Baghdad) is a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly (April, July, October, December) by the College of Medicine, University of Baghdad.
The Journal provides an Open Journal System powered by PKP as a communication platform for researchers, physicians, and medical workers in different aspects of medicine and basic medical sciences worldwide. It accepts original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, and editorials in all fields relevant to medicine.
Historically, this journal is the first medical journal in the Middle East; it was first published in 1936 and has continued so far despite some challenges for compelling reasons.
The first issue of this journal was published under the name "Journal of the Royal Iraqi Medical College) in April 1936, approved by the council of the college as a general journal dealing with the news of the college and a few scientific articles to encourage the teaching staff for research publication. The journal was published randomly and ceased during World War II due to financial difficulties.
In 1946, Prof. Dr. Hashim Al Witri, the college dean, assigned republication to the journal and urged the teaching staff to participate and publish their research. Despite his efforts, the journal remained irregular in publication. In 1959, Prof. Dr. Faisal Al-Sabih became the journal's editor-in-chief, restructured the journal, changed its name to The Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad, and used a new scientific system to publish articles.
The first issue of the new series started in June 1959. The journal has continued to be published regularly without interruption (four issues during the year). The journal became registered with the International Number (ISSN) in 2000 and entered many important international indexes.
After 2003, the journal continued despite the difficulties involved in every aspect of the country. By the beginning of 2004, the journal had progressed through a series of changes to reach a level recognized internationally.
In 2010 the journal became published electronically with the same edited issues.
The founders of the journal whether Iraqis or other nationalities who contributed to managing this journal and publishing it, have chronicled the periods of development of medicine in Iraq taking into consideration that the research which was published in it was receiving global Echo as it was a rich source for foreigners, researchers and many of their articles and dissertation, on researchers published in this journal.
Aim and Scope
Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad publishes Articles in clinical medical disciplines, basic medical sciences, and public health.
It has many articles, including original research articles, case reports, short communications, review articles, and letters to the editor. The journal’s full text is freely available online at
Timeline for Acceptance
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Publisher: College of Medicine -
Prof. Dr. Faris H. Al Lami
Managing Editor:
Asst. Prof. Dr. Rand R. Hafidh
Published Quarterly
Print ISSN: 0041-9419
Online ISSN: 2410-8057
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license..
Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad / College of Medicine/ University of Baghdad/Bab Al Muadham, Baghdad, Iraq.PO box 61023, code 12114.
Phone No.: +964(0)770 9826825/ Working days are from Sunday to Thursday (10:00 am-02:00 pm)
Layout Editors: Asst. lecturer: Zaidoon Hassan Jabar/ Chief Interpreter Batool Khazal Jaffar
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyrights© 2018 College of Medicine, University of Baghdad