Complete Rectal Prolapse
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Rectal Prolapse, Incontinence plication posterior levatorplastyالملخص
Background and Objective:
There are many treatment modalities in managing complete rectal prolapse (CRP) current study present simple technique of cauterization plication operation in the treatment
of complete rectal prolapse.
The study include 30 patients present with CRP their mean age (74.3 ± 4.6), 19 females and 11 males. With the patient under- general anesthesia in litliotomy position the
proolapsed rectum pulled outside the anal canal, the mucosa was cauterized, the muscle layer was plicated by 2/0 dixon suture. Posterior levtorplasty were done in 10 adult patients
when it is indicated.
The postoperative follow up was 12-24 months. Six had postoperative mucosal prolapse and two had recurrence 5 months after operation. Fecal impaction, stricture and
fistula formation were not encountered.
The cauterization - plication operation is a simple and easy operation fix the treatment of CKP. It gave satisfactory results with minimal complications.
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