

Authorship Changes:

Authors should carefully review author lists and order before submitting a manuscript and provide a final author list with the initial submission. Any addition, deletion, or reordering of author names in the author list can only be made prior to acceptance of the manuscript and must be approved by the journal editor. To request such a change, the editor must receive from the corresponding author: (a) the reason for the change to the author list and (b) written confirmation (email, letter) from all authors of their consent to the addition, deletion, or rearrangement. In the case of adding or removing authors, this also includes confirmation of the added or removed author.

Only in exceptional circumstances will the editor consider adding, removing, or rearranging authors after a manuscript has been accepted. Publication of the manuscript will be suspended while the editor reviews the application. If the manuscript has been published in the online version, all requests approved by the editor will generate a Corrigenda.