HAMEED, Numan Nafie; ABDUL-HUSSAIN, Noor Jaafar; AHMED, Muna Essam; KADHIM, Noor-Al Huda Raheem. Assessment of mother’s Knowledge, practices and believes toward home management of Neonatal jaundice in two pediatric teaching hospitals: Study of mother’s Knowledge, practices and believes about home management of Neonatal jaundice in two pediatric teaching hospitals. Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad, Baghdad-Iraq., v. 61, n. 3,4, 2020. DOI: 10.32007/jfacmedbagdad.613,41710. Disponível em: https://iqjmc.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/19JFacMedBaghdad36/article/view/1710.. Acesso em: 23 dec. 2024.